RoundUp 2022 was a fun and successful event. Many families came out to learn more about Cub Scouting with Pack 23. Our brave leaders submitted themselves to a wild game of "Wear It or Eat It" in which the kids decided if they would wear a foot item or eat it. From the photos you can tell, most items were worn. Spam, whipped cream, sauerkraut, and on and on.
If you've been considering joining in the fun of Cub Scouting, it's not too late. Just drop us a message through the contact page and we'll get you started. Hi Folks,
Hope everyone has had a great start to the Holiday Season. We've got plenty happening over the next few weeks so please review carefully and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. DECEMBER PACK MEETING - 12/19 This months meeting is Wednesday, December 19th, at 6:30 sharp. We'll be meeting at Seaman's Lodge. As usual, we'll do $1/slice pizza starting at 6:00. If you couldn't attend Down and Derby to pickup your Pinewood Derby Kit, they will be available at the Pack Meeting. CUBS-A-CAROLING - 12/15 We have another chance to give back this holiday season where the Scouts visit several nursing homes to sing Christmas Carols. Please mark your calendars and let's brighten the day of some of these folks who often don't get a chance to see friends and family. This event occurs Saturday morning, 12/15 and scouts should be in Uniform. We'll start at 10:00 am and the event will last approximately 2 hours. Additional details to follow. SCOUTING FOR FOOD - THANK YOU! Huge thanks to everyone who took time out of their busy schedules to give back to the community. Also - big thanks to Richard Zuazo who coordinated this effort. We simply could not have done the event without him. OTHER UPCOMING DATES
Cub Scout Pack 23, Nevada City, CA Hello Pinewood Derby Racers & Crew! This is a reminder that we will be showing Down & Derby, a fun Pinewood Derby movie, at Sutton Cinemas this Saturday at 10:00 AM. Plan to arrive early if you want snacks from the snack bar; the show will start promptly at 10:00. I will be there to hand out Pinewood Derby car kits afterwards. Here is some information about this year’s derby. Please note the rules, these are very important as every car must fit within the parameters of these rules in order to race. If you have popcorn orders left and did not turn them in to me, please get a hold of me ASAP! Orders go in Saturday evening.
530-913-2078 or [email protected] Also, we have some popcorn left to sell. If you are in town on Saturday, please help us out! : The money we raise from popcorn sales are what we use to bring the cost down on the overnighter every year and also to keep the Cub Scout program running. We need everyone to pitch in! Thank you so much! Julie Hello Pack 23 Families!
My name is Julie Brown and I am in charge of the popcorn sales this year. We are making our Popcorn Sales a BIG EVENT this year and trying to earn as much as we can through this sale in order to bring down the cost of our overnight to the USS Hornet (Woot-woot!), as well as doing other awesome, fun stuff that keeps our Pack going. We have our usual stand in front of B&C and we will be in front of SPD Grass Valley to sell popcorn to our community. Sign ups for these shifts are below. This year, we are doing 2 hour shifts and each shift gets a prize!!! So please sign up, show up, and SELL, SELL, SELL. For sign-ups click here: Popcorn 2018-2019 Online Sales: This option is great because you do not have to collect money, or deliver popcorn. PLUS, you get an additional opportunity for prizes such as the Amazon gift card. IMPORTANT: When signing up online, you will create a user name and password and the next screen will ask 3 questions to make sure the proceeds go to our pack. PLEASE make sure you select the right ones to ensure we get the money, otherwise it won't count towards our Pack or your cub scouts prizes for the popcorn sales: Trail's End | Boy Scout Popcorn Fundraiser Council: Golden Empire District: Gold Country Unit: Pack 23 The last selling option is the Take and Sell where the scouts collect orders on the order form. Remember, the more popcorn sold, the better the PRIZE! All 3 ways count towards earning prizes and every popcorn sold goes directly to our Pack. Get the word out, get the family on board, lets do this! Thanks! Julie The local BSA Council is putting on an event to increase interest in Scouting. The even is occurring this Saturday, 9/22, 10:00am-4:00pm in Nevada City. This is an event for ALL kids - not just current Scouts. We want to raise awareness and participation in Scouting. Please spread the word to any interested families and please share this information through social media. There will be something for everyone - please come out with your kids and have some fun! It's that time again, School is back in so we are gearing up for another great year in Scouting. There is a lot of important information in this email so please be sure to read the entire email carefully as we've got some changes to our program year.
PACK MEETINGS As is tradition, we hold Pack Meetings on the third Wednesday of every month at Seaman's Lodge (when possible). The first Pack meeting of the year will occur on Wednesday the 19th, starting promptly at 6:30pm. For those busy families who can't fit in dinner, we'll do pizza for $1/slice between 6:00 and 6:30. Here's the meeting schedule through the end of the year:
UPCOMING DEN MEETINGS Den meeting times and locations will be coordinated among the Den's themselves. Many of you returning Scouts have likely already been in touch with your Den leaders. Please be advised that we are recommending that Den's meet before the September Pack Meeting so that everyone is engaged for the upcoming year. Please reach out to your Den Leader to determine if/when your September meeting will occur. If you are new to Cub Scouts and don't yet have a Den, we'll get you plugged in as soon as possible - please be patient as we try to get that sorted out. FALL CAMPOUT Mark your calendars for the weekend of 9/29-9/30. We will be returning to Camp Marin Sierra for our annual family campout. Moms, Dads, Brothers, and Sisters all welcome. We'll do fun activities Saturday afternoon, Fire with Flag Retirement Saturday Night, and a Scavenger hunt on Sunday morning. The Pack provides Dinner, Breakfast, and a snack late Sunday morning. Full details will be coming shortly. POPCORN SALES The annual Popcorn fundraiser is our one significant fundraising effort for the year. Similar to last year, we will have several weekends where the boys sell popcorn in front of a store. In addition, we will be encouraging the boys to sell individually to friends and family where they can place orders for popcorn to be delivered at a later date. Popcorn sales is the primary fundraiser for the pack. This fundraiser offsets the costs to operate the pack and supports our Fall and Spring overnight trips (among many other things). The more we sell, the more affordable Scouting becomes for everyone in the pack, the more fun things we can do, and the more we can give back to the community Here's the dates we're doing the storefront sales. Please set aside time for your boys to sign-up for a shift - it's critical that everyone pitch in! We'll send another email with full details covering popcorn sales as time gets closer.
PARENT VOLUNTEERS Cub Scouting simply doesn't operate without the parents. The benefits of Scouting are directly correlated to the time and effort put forth by the parents. This year is especially crucial for the packin that we will lose many of our leadership as they bridge with their boys to Boy Scouts in the spring. We are asking that each family be prepared to commit to helping out the Pack in one area - large or small. With everyone's help, we can create a life changing Scouting experience for these boys. If you have ideas for new activities - we want to hear from you too! We'll spend some time discussing this with the parents at the first meeting. Lastly, a huge thanks to all of the past and present Den Leaders and Volunteers. This whole operation simply doesn't work without you. I look forward to seeing everyone for the first Pack meeting on Wednesday, September 19th. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. Thanks, Justin Cub Scout Pack 23, Nevada City, CA As the new school year starts again, so does the new Cub Scout year. For new families, please put September 5th on your calendar from 6-7pm at Forest Charter in Nevada City. This is our Round-Up event for all interested parties to come and ask their questions. You can get your Den Leader's contact information, as the first meeting will be scheduled for September. If you miss the Round-Up, come join us at Seaman's Lodge at Pioneer Park on the 19th at 6:30pm for our first Pack meeting of the year. Please note, we don't have any Leaders for girl's dens yet. So, if you are willing, please contact us to start our first all girl den!
Hi Folks,
A few short weeks remain before the end of our Scouting year. List of the year end events are below, and here's few reminders for the summer:
SPRING HIKE - 5/5 Craig Polley will be leading a Pack Hike next Saturday, 5/5. We will be starting at Camp Marin Sierra, up Highway 20. The same camp where we host our annual fall family campout. Please meet at Marin Sierra at 9:45 am, with the hike starting promptly at 10:00. Meet in the main parking lot. You can expect the hike to last approximately 4 hours. Please bring water, necessary food, and hiking gear. MAY PACK MEETING / ADVANCEMENT CEREMONY - 5/20 Our May pack meeting is actually the end-of-year Advancement Ceremony. This occurs on Sunday 5/20 from 3:00pm to 5:00pm. The location is tentatively set for the lower picnic area (near the creek) at Pioneer Park. This is a special event for the kids as they move on to the next rank. Typically, the Lion's Club provides Hot Dogs and each Den is assigned to bring various sides to share. We're still finalizing the specifics - stay tuned as we confirm the location and what each family should bring to share. TACO BOOTH SIGN-UP I think most folks know the drill here - we REQUIRE that each family sign-up for a shift at the Lions Club Taco Booth at the Fair (August 8th - 12th). The Lions Club supports our pack in a variety of ways - including monetarily. All they ask in return is that we help staff the Taco Booth. We will have a Sign-Up Sheet at the Advancement Ceremony. Please review your schedules and plan to sign up for a time slot. OTHER UPCOMING DATES
Justin McKenzie, Committee Chair Cub Scout Pack 23, Nevada City, CA 530-432-2868 |
August 2022