How old (or young) can a boy/girl be to join Cub Scouting?
Cub Scouting is for boys and girls in kindergarten through fifth grades, or 5 to 10 years of age. Boys and girls who are older than 10, or who have completed the fifth grade, can no longer join Cub Scouting, but they may be eligible to join the Scouting or Venturing program.
How can I become an adult volunteer in Cub Scouting?
Express your interest to the pack leaders—the Cubmaster, the Committee Chair, or one of the den leaders. They can help you understand the process and guide you on areas where the pack needs support. We always welcome parents’ help and are dependent on it.
Are Cub Scouts the same as Boy Scouts?
Cub Scouting is a program of the Boy Scouts of America—so in that sense, Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts are both members of the same organization. However, they are entirely different programs: Cub Scouting is a family-oriented program designed specifically to address the needs of younger boys and girls, and serve as an introduction to Boy Scouting.
What is a Den versus the Pack?
A den is a group of (typically) six to ten boys or girls within the pack that meets at least once a month. The boys or girls in a den are usually all at the same grade level. The den structure allows boys and girls to build relationships with leaders and other scouts. Our pack starts with kindergarteners who are part of a Lion den. First graders are part of a Tiger den. The second graders are part of a Wolf den. Third graders are in a Bear den. Fourth graders go to a Webelos den and Fifth graders are in an Arrow of Light den.
The monthly pack meeting brings together boys and girls from every den, their leaders, and their families for a large-scale event that includes skits, awards and recognition and discusses the pack activities for the coming month or year. Cub Scout pack meetings are family events and besides the Cub Scout at least one parent or guardian is expected to attend. However, all members of the family are invited.
How often do Cub Scouts meet?
Cub Scouts meet in their dens at least once a month. A pack meeting is held for all Cub Scouts and their families once a month as well. Beyond that, it depends on the den and pack: a den may hold a special activity, such as a service project or visit to a local museum in place of the monthly meeting or in addition to the monthly meeting. Likewise, a pack may conduct a special event such as a campout as an additional event, or as a substitute for its monthly pack meeting.
Should parents attend den meetings?
Cub Scouting is open to parents at all times. Den meetings are intended to be an activity for the individual boys and girls. Since Cub Scouting is a family-oriented program, we require a parent or guardian to be at the den meetings.
What supplies and equipment are needed to participate in Cub Scouting?
At minimum, each boy and girl in Cub Scouting will need a uniform and a handbook. Each year, he/she will need a new handbook, cap, and neckerchief. The Lions will have a special t-shirt as their uniform. Tigers, Wolves, Bears and Webelos will wear the official blue uniform. When a boy or girl moves into the last year of Cub Scouting (Webelos), he/she will wear the khaki-and-olive uniform.
Sometimes Swenson’s Outdoors in Grass Valley will have the uniforms and handbooks. McCaulou's in Auburn also carries uniforms, handbooks and other scout supplies. If either store is out-of-stock you can go to the local Scout Store in either Chico or Sacramento. Visit www.scoutshop.org to find a list of distributors in our area.
Cub Scouting is for boys and girls in kindergarten through fifth grades, or 5 to 10 years of age. Boys and girls who are older than 10, or who have completed the fifth grade, can no longer join Cub Scouting, but they may be eligible to join the Scouting or Venturing program.
How can I become an adult volunteer in Cub Scouting?
Express your interest to the pack leaders—the Cubmaster, the Committee Chair, or one of the den leaders. They can help you understand the process and guide you on areas where the pack needs support. We always welcome parents’ help and are dependent on it.
Are Cub Scouts the same as Boy Scouts?
Cub Scouting is a program of the Boy Scouts of America—so in that sense, Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts are both members of the same organization. However, they are entirely different programs: Cub Scouting is a family-oriented program designed specifically to address the needs of younger boys and girls, and serve as an introduction to Boy Scouting.
What is a Den versus the Pack?
A den is a group of (typically) six to ten boys or girls within the pack that meets at least once a month. The boys or girls in a den are usually all at the same grade level. The den structure allows boys and girls to build relationships with leaders and other scouts. Our pack starts with kindergarteners who are part of a Lion den. First graders are part of a Tiger den. The second graders are part of a Wolf den. Third graders are in a Bear den. Fourth graders go to a Webelos den and Fifth graders are in an Arrow of Light den.
The monthly pack meeting brings together boys and girls from every den, their leaders, and their families for a large-scale event that includes skits, awards and recognition and discusses the pack activities for the coming month or year. Cub Scout pack meetings are family events and besides the Cub Scout at least one parent or guardian is expected to attend. However, all members of the family are invited.
How often do Cub Scouts meet?
Cub Scouts meet in their dens at least once a month. A pack meeting is held for all Cub Scouts and their families once a month as well. Beyond that, it depends on the den and pack: a den may hold a special activity, such as a service project or visit to a local museum in place of the monthly meeting or in addition to the monthly meeting. Likewise, a pack may conduct a special event such as a campout as an additional event, or as a substitute for its monthly pack meeting.
Should parents attend den meetings?
Cub Scouting is open to parents at all times. Den meetings are intended to be an activity for the individual boys and girls. Since Cub Scouting is a family-oriented program, we require a parent or guardian to be at the den meetings.
What supplies and equipment are needed to participate in Cub Scouting?
At minimum, each boy and girl in Cub Scouting will need a uniform and a handbook. Each year, he/she will need a new handbook, cap, and neckerchief. The Lions will have a special t-shirt as their uniform. Tigers, Wolves, Bears and Webelos will wear the official blue uniform. When a boy or girl moves into the last year of Cub Scouting (Webelos), he/she will wear the khaki-and-olive uniform.
Sometimes Swenson’s Outdoors in Grass Valley will have the uniforms and handbooks. McCaulou's in Auburn also carries uniforms, handbooks and other scout supplies. If either store is out-of-stock you can go to the local Scout Store in either Chico or Sacramento. Visit www.scoutshop.org to find a list of distributors in our area.